Thursday, April 12, 2007

Justice American style...

“Where do I go to get my reputation back?”
Ray Donovan, former Secretary of Labor after his acquittal on fraud and larceny charges in 1987

Once upon a time in America, a man or a woman could make a mistake, pay their debt to society and if needs be, go west and start with a clean slate.

Yesterday the state of North Carolina dropped the remaining charges against the three young men from the Duke University lacrosse team.

These young men were tried and convicted in the court of public opinion. The District Attorney rode their reputations, false accusations and defective evidence to victory in the election last fall.

Wikipedia is the only place that a lie repeated 10 times, becomes the truth.  What hath Google wrought?

Once upon a time in America, a man or a woman could make a mistake, pay their debt to society and if needs be, go west and start again with a clean slate.

Once upon a time in America…

1 comment:

Greta said...

John - I'm a huge fan and I hope to read more. We should discuss these things more. - GF