Friday, March 2, 2007

A Question of Truth...

"The truth is always the first casualty of any legal proceeding."
Michael T. Russell
(My late best friend of 25+ years)
"I've always told you some variation of the truth."
Harry Sanborn as portrayed by Jack Nicholson
"Somethings Gotta Give"
"...what I told you was true, from a certain point of view."
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi as portrayed by Sir Alec Guinness
"Return of the Jedi"
I've been thinking about the truth quite a bit of late and I'm wondering...
What is truth?
What is the price of the truth?
They say the truth hurts. But, does knowing the whole truth make the facts any more or less harsh?
Or, is it all simply a matter of perspective?

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