Friday, February 12, 2010

The Golden Rule

Shortly before the 9/11 terrorist attacks President Bush was attempting to reform Social Security. One of the main components of that reform was to give people a choice between the current system and private accounts or super IRAs. Predictably the Democrats in congress opposed giving people a choice. Eventually, some Democrats claimed they would consider allowing a small portion of the employee share of Social Security to go into three or four government approved funds. I was very leary of that plan. I could see a time or circumstance when those fund managers would be brow beat into "Politically Correct" choices such as the boycott of firms who were doing business in South Africa in the early ‘80s. In my mind it was the "Golden Rule" in its worst form.
When I speak of the "Golden Rule" I’m not talking about Christ’s teaching during his ministry in Palestine, I’m speaking of a modern interpretation; he who has the gold, makes the rules.
When President Clinton introduced his version of health care reform in 1993, one of the provisions called for the federal government to dictate to medical students not only what branch of medicine they would be allowed to practice, but if, when and where they would attend medical school. Once again, the tyrannical version of the "Golden Rule" raised its ugly head.
That particular part of "Hillary Care" is the first thing that came to mind last summer when I heard that the student loan program had been taken over by the government. I wondered then and I wonder now how long before some government bureaucrat dictates where and what people are allowed to study, or even if certain studies are allowed.
Of course the "Golden Rule" applies to more than student loans and health care. Ford is the only American car company that did not take bail out money and Ford also reported a profit for the fourth quarter of 2009. I hope Ford is taking note of Toyota’s recent treatment. Ford has just as big a target on their back as Toyota. I freely and readily admit that Toyota could not have done a worse job handling its recent problems. Toyota bungled it from an engineering and safety standpoint as well as on the public relations front. The Toyota acceleration problem will probably be a business school case study of what not to do for years to come. That said, the Federal government in the guise of the President’s Car Czar and Secretary of Transportation were very heavy handed while administering the Golden Rule. They have the gold and I believe used and abused their power over Toyota to promote Government Motors, formerly known as General Motors. The Secretary advised people to stop driving their Toyotas and later claimed he was misquoted. Mr. Secretary, I saw and heard the video, you weren’t misquoted.
Last summer health insurance companies were threatened with the loss of Medicare reimbursement if they opposed the President’s health care reform plan. Banks were cowed into silence and bullied when they attempted to repay unwanted bailout funds. Just more examples of heavy, ham handed bullying or if you will, he who has the gold, making the rules.
Is this the "Hope and Change" you expected and maybe even voted for or is this just Chicago style politics at its worst?
"And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."
Luke 6:31

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