Sunday, February 28, 2010

it's more of a guideline...

Last week President Obama appointed a bi-partisan commission to tackle the problem of the current budget deficit.
As every school child and student of American history should know, the Constitution is rather specific about separation of powers. In fact Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 specifically states, "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"
Apparently the founders wanted to keep taxing and spending as close to the people as possible. All spending bills, by law, originate in The House of Representatives. (It should be noted that up until 1913 U.S. Senators were appointed by the various state legislatures and not directly elected by popular vote. On April 8, 1913 the Seventeenth Amendment to the Constitution changed that process to direct election of Senators by popular vote.)
The purpose of the President’s bi-partisan commission is to address the deficit. When the commission was announced the President stated that they would address taxes and spending. Mr. President, it ain’t your job to tell the Congress, specifically The House of Representatives, how or where to tax and spend. It’s not the job of a commission that you appoint either; especially a commission that like all of your innumerable czars is not confirmed by the Senate.
Even if the Deficit Commission is powerless to act it’s not the President’s job to pass the buck to a commission. If you’re serious about the deficit Mr. President, show some leadership; submit a budget with real spending cuts. Through members of the Congress in your party propose reforms to some or all of the numerous entitlement programs. Mr. President, you’ve complained endlessly about President Bush’s Medicare prescription drug benefit; work with The Congress and repeal it, you’ve claimed your reform of healthcare can be paid for by addressing fraud in Medicare and Medicaid; well, what are you waiting for, do it now!
Mr. President you’re not a Senator anymore, you’re the President of United States, now act like it. Stop legislating from the Oval Office with 13,000 word Executive Orders. The Constitution already enumerates your duties; read them. The Constitution has separation of powers; pay attention to them.
The Secret Service’s initial code name for President Obama was, "Renegade". Since that code name is now out in the public, I’d like to suggest a new one, how about, "Captain Jack". After all, in so many ways this administration and this President seem to view the Constitution as, "more of a guideline."

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